“As a first-year teacher, it was great to have a routine that I could follow to help my students’ comprehension of a story and to help build their academic vocabulary. I have seen a lot of growth in my students this year. The routine not only benefits the students and their success in the classroom, but also allows them to take the information they have learned into their homes.”
“The vocabulary lessons that Project ELITE has helped us to integrate into our reading and language arts are excellent. The daily practice of new vocabulary words has led to my first-graders using rich vocabulary in their writing and their speaking.”
“I love the Project ELITE read aloud! My students are using the vocabulary words that we learn in their writing and speaking. I believe their listening comprehension has also definitely improved. Students make inferences, draw conclusions, and make predictions. They are so much better at getting the gist of the passage. Discussing the read aloud routine with my colleagues has given me different strategies.”
“This instructional routine has helped to create a community of readers who work together to build meaningful relationships with text.”