Text Talks: A Strategic Book Club Routine for Building Vocabulary and Comprehension Skills

In collaboration with the practicing professionals at our partnering schools, Project ELITE2 developed and refined an instructional model that educators use to enhance core language and literacy instruction for students in grades 3-5. As part of this instructional system, teachers strategically set reading groups of 4-5 students, select culturally relevant texts that are appropriate for their reading and language proficiency levels, and then divide the text into chunks. Before students read independently, teachers deliver a focused mini-lesson that includes previewing the text as well as explicitly teaching academic vocabulary concepts and reading comprehension processes. While students read independently, they practice word-learning strategies and record the meaning of new words. Students compose a written summary of the reading and respond to prompts in their journals to prepare for their group discussions. Next, students engage in structured, text-based discussion to advance their comprehension of the text and practice academic language.
Sample Materials
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